
From Syd Barrett: Works
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2016040808/04/2016 Luca Ferrari
Ciao Luca.

È da troppo tempo che mi domando indeciso quando avrei nuovamente scritto una email a quel biografo le cui pagine tanto mi rimasero impresse decenni orsono. Non avrei voluto apparire “disturbante” romanticizzando il suo passato senza dovermi necessariamente connettere ai suoi ultimi lavori biografici o ai tanti apprezzabili argomenti pubblicati sul suo blog.

Beh, questo inizio forse non mi presenta molto meglio di quando ti feci leggere alcuni miei commenti su internet dove ti citai come “il più famoso” biografo di Syd Barrett. Mi avevi già risposto dicendomi “Nel caso di Barrett, riconosco che non esiste un'analisi approfondita dell'apparato testuale, […] ma da tempo ho perso interesse per questo genere di questioni”, ma ormai da anni sento il bisogno di sapere se il mio lavoretto di 134 pagine, di cui mi feci stampare 50 copie, possa far smuovere la tua curiosità in parte come fece “letteralmente” viaggiare me per un circa un anno, con ricerche e traduzioni, per offrire un pensierino da sfogliare a quelle poche decine di partecipanti a un importante meeting di amici di Barrett a Cambridge nel 2013 dove tra, gli altri, Jenny Spires e Libby Gausden mi chiesero simpaticamente di autografarglielo.

Ti chiedo quindi gentilmente un indirizzo a cui spedirtelo.

Di modo che tu possa avere anche un pre-giudizio (con-voluto doppio senso), ho pensato di scriverti il link della versione in pdf, cosa che non avevo fatto in precedenza con gli altri a cui lo spedii tempo fa (il blogger Antonio Jesus Reyes, Goeran Nystroem e Younglight del forum Latenight, quindi non ancora a uno “scrittore” come Julian Palacios):


Se poi volessi anche leggere le pagine wiki dove ho sfogato per qualche mese le mie abitudini enciclopediche a suo tempo trasmessemi anche dalla quella tua discografia per i tempi davvero “compilata ai limiti del maniacale”… Il mio hobby si è arenato mesi fa per mancanza di entusiasmo, ma non è detto che in futuro non si faccia abbastanza spazio tra gli altri miei hobby “mangia tempo” (scacchi per corrispondenza in primis) per farmici tornare su, almeno per finire la lista con i dati di David Parker su recordings (così da poter chiedere allo stesso cosa ne pensa):

[pdf-proof link] 2016041919/04/2016
[...] Comunque, credo che l'autorevolezza di un intellettuale dipenda dalla forza delle sue idee, che siano o meno condivise da cento fan... e il solo fatto che tu abbia accettato tutti i rischi impliciti nell'analisi semantica di un solo brano di Barrett fa di te un autore di per sé interessante, che si affranca dalla dimensione spesso acritica e passiva dell'ascoltatore appassionato. Anch'io ho preteso da me stesso di andare oltre al semplice ascolto...

So per certo che prima o poi leggerò "Syd Barrett's sea shanty" (ottimo titolo!): l'ho sfogliato, e l'apparato iconografico/fotografico è già di per sé intrigante. Uno si chiede, già voltando semplicemente le pagine, "cosa diavolo c'entra Dorè con Barrett?". E se come me ha ancora un po' di curiosità per le cose del mondo... non può non tornarci sopra e cercare di capire.
Penso sempre che se si è convinti delle proprie idee bisogna far di tutto per provare a diffonderle. Mi auguro quindi che tu non ti accontenta, che voglia provare a farlo pubblicare e distribuire da un 'vero' (?) editore.
Alla prossima.

[02/01/2017] [...] Ho letto il tuo libro su Barrett e mi è piaciuto. Complimenti per l'idea e l'argomentazione, davvero peculiare. Meriterebbe una diffusione ad ampio raggio.
Tra l'altro, in libreria sono comparsi nuovi libri su Syd, uno a taglio medico-scientifico in cui si ribadisce l'idea che avesse la sindrome di Aspenger. Comunque non li ho letti e non credo che li leggerò.
Cordiali saluti.

2016060101/06/2016 Julian Palacios
Dear Gian Palacios,

Perhaps I should have informed you earlier, but I was waiting to prepare for you also this online version:


It contains the same quotes from your book that I used in the printed version which was read, probably, only by the attendees of the 2013 Birdie Hop meeting (plus Goeran Nystroem, Antonio Jesus, a Brazilian Late Night forum member nicknamed younglight, and, recently, by Luca Ferrari).

I’ve written the sources, and special thanks to you in the last page, but I don’t know if it’s enough to ask if you would approve this “public” knowledge of your copyrighted quotes (e.g. to let me to announce the website on wide communities, like Birdie Hop, or perhaps to ask all authors’s “OK” for their quotes/images and then can hoping, if you would consider it possible, a real publishing of the printed version).

On the other hand, I don’t even know if, perhaps, I’m giving too much importance to this whole thing.

In any case, please accept, you too, a copy of the booklet I distributed in 2013, by giving me an address to ship it in USA.

You may see the pdf here:

(it was slightly updated, the original pdfs were: xxx and xxx )
[wiki version link]
2016060707/06/2016 Antonio Jesús
[...] Recently I had "the will" and I've updated that "opel project" of which I gave you the booklet: I had a couple of "enquiries" for you when I'm still waiting (form about a week) for some reply for the main enquiry to Gian Palacios in order to let be "public" MY Opel work (if you remember I quoted considerably from his book).


You may like the pages with your name written in a slightly different way, or not write at all (privacy, work in progress to not be public and like). I'm talking of this "immersion page" here http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Immersion_into_foreign_totems (look for your neame near the bottom...) and ewspecially for your opel translation you posted me a while ago, here on "page 92" http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/%22Opel%22_translations (well, you may read my whole booklet slightly updated in that website...)
[wiki version link] 2016060707/06/2016
[...] Great work, great work. I read it twice.

I really enjoy it

[...] Everything is cool


I would like to check the translation, to make it more "word to word" translation.

One change, I think.
2017052828/05/2017 Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers
Dear Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd.,

I beg your pardon for this sui generis request, but I think my work deserves attention from editors/reviewers directly involved with publishing.

Luca Ferrari is an author who has already told me that he likes it, and one of the few who read it.

Who knows Luca Ferrari could think that pop music is the subject of my work, but it's not exact, although an interest in Syd Barrett music is its cornerstone.

What is its subject then?

Music is not among the genres you are currently listing, so maybe other publishers could find my essay more "suitable" and read it from begin to end as I would like, but this don't discourage me in looking for in your editorial team.

By the way, I know you published a book on Syd Barrett in 2009, where his life is treaded as well as the meanings of his songs. It could suit your biographies list, but I would not use it as comparison.

Instead, there's a book you recently published, in 2014, which I would like to compare with:

Cockleshells: A Book of People Poetry

The title and the cover fit incredibly well with the guiding body of my essay: the lyrics of the song "Opel".

It's in your Poetry list. Not strictly as genre, poetry also fits with an essay like mine, full of poetry/literary quotes and references. Essay, as said for music, is not your main genre, however I trust in Vanguard Press words: "We include most genres, the most important thing is that the work should either entertain or educate".

​Quoting also your blog words "A picture is worth a thousand words. Covers are important as it’s the first impression a reader gets of your book." I would like to save some words even here with a good cover but, as for the subject, I have not a very firm idea for the cover. Above I've explained that the subject is every possible poetry/literature/art around what I wrote in the bottom of the cover I once prepared: An essay on the Syd Barrett song "Opel". About the cover, I won't waffling on about it but I just think that Syd Barrett's face on a cover is today an overused theme. There are lots of landscapes inside the book I'm going to submit, but if I would looking for a landscape as cover for my book, at the moment I'd find your Cockleshells cover the most evocative one. Then I attach it here, directly instead of links.

A peculiarity of my submission is that the book is practically ready to print (it was even privately printed). It's because I consider its layout as an integral part of the work, as it would for a good photobook to be "read between the lines", although not an essential part, so I would appreciate your possible changes. Even I thought these possible options:

  • Additional material (would require a major rework).
I began with an A4 layout containing the additional material you may read in the online version of the submitting work: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
They are the pages linked on the left under the writing – "immersion into..." links – (such as "...foreign totems").
I made the online version for a more flowing read on a PC, pushing the buttons at the right and the links at the left, so you may use it to judge my work, but you may prefer the submission as pdf:
The submitting book itself has cross-referencing images for these additional webpages (on pages 14, 20, 27, 29, 37 and 46).
Anyway I find "educational" this coexistence of online version (html pages full of links) and classical versions (print books and e-books).
This would lead into my old projects ([1] [2]), where this work would be part of.
I even thought, for the A4 layout version, to add an essay for the song Wolfpack working on the few things I wrote ([1] [2]), the essay for the song Octopus modified by Julian Palacios ([1]) which I would have further expanded, and better translated parts of Luca Ferrari old biographical works ([1] [2]).
Some of these latter links might almost fulfill the "Details of any previously published works" in the submit form or the "relevant information about the author" in guidelines.
  • Just the cover (reasons already explained).
I did this cover with the simple Microsoft Word tools: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i18qd024bj11bmd/Opel_booklet_cover.pdf (includes flaps)
The idea was how technology serves today's search of possible references in the sea of internet (google and so on), as juxtaposition to recent Pink Floyd "Immersion Set" commercial packages. And I found scuba girl's eyes catching enough...
  • As attached booklet (as unlikely as the rework).
In the other way round from the far-reaching rework of the first option, just to try all options before a possible reply "We like your work but...", I was figuring a poetry essay attachment for a future reprint of a book of poems, with a writing on the cover saying "Now with an essay on the Syd Barrett song...", but target, genre, and sense of the two things are too different, and I guess Tricia Sturgeon would agree (about the difference).

Since I began this work, I've been supposing there's a major issue: the copyrighted material it uses.

As I state here all the credits are listed, but I have to ask hundreds of consent forms for a full publication?

The issue is due to the fact that even one missing image would compromise the carefully achieved balance of my work.

I know you manage "shared cost inclusive contracts", so I would pay hundreds of pounds if someone would solve this issue.

Having introduced my work, punctiliously I will follow your submission guidelines, taking your leave here.

Kind regards

Giulio Bonfissuto

- A synopsis and three sample chapters

Synopsis: excerpt from the back cover:
Syd Barrett sometimes behaved strangely, and this has contributed to his status as an icon for people interested in more than just his articulate songwriting.
From the starting point of this duality, whether it was due to his multicoloured personality, or simply from his feelings of loneliness, or from every emotion Syd showed to those who knew him personally, we can set off on a journey to immerse ourselves in the lands Syd evokes in our imagination with "Opel", while he searches for someone or something in his own land.
Link for the complete back cover: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Cover_page_2
Sample chapter 1: excerpt from chapter 1 ("Introduction"):
To discover the origins of "Opel" we need to know that some notes of the intro already existed in a recording dated 4th September 1967, the first session after a holiday on the beaches of Formentera, a controversial period where Syd, it seems, had had a breakdown, rather than a break.
Source for sample chapter 1 (in order to prove the accuracy of my work): http://www.neptunepinkfloyd.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=17929
Link for the complete chapter 1: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Introduction
Sample chapter 2: ending of chapter 2 ("The title"):
The theory is that Syd used the single word "Opel" with a word full of secrets in mind, a word which changes its meaning with the simple change of a letter (opa|el) just as the opal is a stone which shines in changing colours with slight movements or by changing the angle of view, a "gem-word" within a range of ancient cultures converging into highly iconic symbols, and then finally a totem.
Link of the html page for the ending of chapter 2: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_title_11
Sample chapter 3: intro of chapter 3 ("The totem"):
Totems are a difficult concept to explain …
A totem is a spiritual creature, but it is not a god. You do not worship a totem, you follow it. A totem embodies a certain way of life - a representation of a set of ideals.
"You do not choose your totem. Your totem chooses you"
— Corax, '"Raven as a Totem"
Link of the html page for the intro of chapter 3: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_totem

- Word count (of complete manuscript)

23045 (18929 excluding credits and index)

- Genre and target audience

Genre: Music/Poetry essay
Target audience: Syd Barrett fans, Pink Floyd fans, Songwriting/Poetry enthusiasts

- Your name and contact details

Giulio Bonfissuto
Via Raffaele Rossetti 2
47121 Forlì (FC)
Tel: +39 3471489537
E-mail: morphy72@gmail.com

- Any relevant information about the author should also be included

If the latter links on the above "additional material" section were not enough, this is my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/giulio.bonfissuto.9


I can send a link for the Microsoft Word format of my submitting book, from which the pdf version linked above (in the "additional material" section) comes from: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m10j3tv01v0lgwt/Opel_booklet.doc


I can send one of the dozen remaining copies I printed privately in 2013.
Opel booklet - Synopsis & 3 sample chapters.doc 2017070404/07/2017
Dear Giulio,

Re: Cockleshells: A Book of People Poetry

We are sorry to inform you that the Publishing Board has decided that the above work is not something that it feels able to take on at the moment.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to submit your work to us and we sincerely wish you every success in placing your manuscript elsewhere.

Kind regards,

Pegasus Editorial Department
2017061212/06/2017 Bloomsbury Publishing
Dear Mr. David Avital, Mrs. Clara Herberg, Mr. Haaris Naqvi, Ms. Katherine De Chant, Ms. Leah Babb-Rosenfeld, and Ms. Susan Krogulski

Looking for the right place for a work of mine where a tagline reads "An essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel", I had some difficulty since the entire guiding body of my work are the lyrics of the song, and the study of such lyrics is not often placed among literature/poetry works, nor categorised as academic.

Even in your website the work Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury is under "Film, Music, Opera & Theatre". I knew of John Cavanagh's book in your "33 1/3" series, but it was mostly an historical account (from beautiful author's excerpt: This is not another book about "mad Syd". This, instead, is a celebration of a moment when everything seemed possible, when creative worlds and forces converged, when an album spoke with an entirely new voice. "Such music I never dreamed of," as Rat said to Mole.)

Then I found a webpage where the words used to categorize the work were fitting well with what I was looking for:




Academic & Professional > Music & Sound Studies

Series: New Directions in Religion and Literature


Following Cage's own creative innovations in the poem-essay form and his use of the ancient Chinese text, the I Ching to shape his music and writing, this book outlines a new critical language that reconfigures writing and silence.

Curiously enough, Barrett used the I Ching too, in "Chapter 24", but I prefer a more concrete comparison:

I haven't read the essay on John Cage, but I guess the paths the author followed were indeed academic, while studying Barrett's work the path was more evocative, and in my opinion could truly become academic, since the evoked paths become endless in trying to catch the spirit or to reach the hideaways of a tremendously creative free bird of the occidental literature as Barrett was, when both were at their "childhood" (I mean Barrett, who for instance introduced children's literature in '67 pop music, leaving the indelible success of The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, and the occidental literature itself, evergreen for centuries but with entire branches dismissed as obsolete if not as childlike hobbies by today's common sense).

The proof is in a 1998 essay, revised in 2009 by Julian Palacios, who introduced it with these words:

Pioneering research by Paul Belbin proved the Rosetta stone in decoding Syd Barrett’s song writing inspirations for one of his most beloved songs, ‘Octopus’. Belbin’s original 1996 (revised 1998) essay, ‘Untangling the Octopus’ provoked a sea change in understanding Barrett’s work. Palacios has expanded on Belbin’s essay to further delve into the myriad origins of ‘Octopus’.

Too often dismissed as a fantasist who collated drug driven word salad imagery, Barrett in time will assume his rightful place in the canon of English poetics, to which he made vital contributions. [1] [2]

Above "Cage > Barrett" conceptual transition should be read by any reviewer unaware of Barrett's work. I'd give it a 50% importance to this as introduction. On the other hand, any possible sample chapter of my work would get no more than a 25%. I'd give the rest to things like cover, layout, images, overall view, enrichment of personal knowledge, ... (for a Barrett fan, these last two things could truly reach 50% too, but they would require to read the entire work from beginning to end).

Anyway, I would have more than some sample to be reviewed. My work is already at the PDF-proof stage (even privately printed, mostly following all your guidelines):

xxx (includes flaps)

It's because I consider its layout as an integral part of the work, as it would be for a good photobook to be "read between the lines".

Up till now, following your guide this should be the first part of our "initial conversations about ideas".

Before the possible "formal and reasonably detailed written proposal" which we both would like, a second part of the ideas is attached, regarding points in your form like in "7. Companion Website" or in "Author information", plus the form filled in with some gap (e.g. in "6. Chapter by chapter synopsis"), then maybe a "speculative proposal".

Since I began this work, I've been supposing there's a major issue: the copyrighted material it uses.

I've read here and I have a list of all the credits as I state here, but I fear that even one missing quote or image would compromise the carefully achieved balance of my work. Is it worth to try?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Ideas #2.doc; Academic Proposal Form.doc 2017062727/06/2017
Dear Giulio,

Thank you for thinking of Bloomsbury Academic in regards to your project. After careful consideration by both our Music & Sound editors in the US and the UK, we’ve found that the proposed book would not be suitable for our current lists. I regret to inform you that it is not a project we could offer to publish. Another publisher may well be interested, however, and we hope you will not allow this disappointing response to deter you from trying elsewhere.

We are sorry we cannot pursue this with you, but trust you will understand that it is impossible for us to take on every interesting proposal that we receive. We wish you every future success in securing a publisher.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Krogulski

Bloomsbury Publishing, Editorial Assistant

Film and Media Studies

Music and Sound Studies

1385 Broadway, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10018


2017062222/06/2017 Rocking Chair Books
Dear Rocking Chair Books,

I found your "Submissions" page and was impressed by your words "Everything we receive, we read with care" and "Don’t stress too much on how the covering letter reads".

Ten days ago I submitted my work to Bloomsbury Publishing, actually quite stressed for having filled all their "Academic Proposal Form", and now quite impatient for their reply. Then, I find it relaxing your "unusual" perspective on submissions.

You recommend to read from beginning to end before submitting: I did it at least twice, also together with a native English professional for proofreading, before a print on demand four years ago. I decided to submit it this month, choosing, with not too much attention, two of the publishers of the books about Syd Barrett: the first one, before Bloomsbury, was probably a so-called "vanity publisher", i.e. Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd., but please read what I wrote them in the query letter:

Music is not among the genres you are currently listing, so maybe other publishers could find my essay more "suitable" and read it from begin to end as I would like, but this don't discourage me in looking for in your editorial team.

Some Syd Barrett fans friends of mine have seen my booklet and appreciated it, but I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of ch.2 "The title", when the reading of literature, places, and other things should be dreamy for everyone, and the lyrics of the song "Opel" should lead to the last chapter.

Perhaps the illustrations in your website are making me thinking it's so easy to get opinions from professionals directly involved with publishing on a daily basis. The pdf of the booklet is linked here:


xxx (includes flaps)

There is also a wiki website version of my work at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page, and I could also send you the "page-turning" printed version if you are interested, anyway I would obviously understand that your possible reject would be "only because you’re not its best guide".

As an alternative to the lone "complete manuscript" above, I've attached the usual format for reviewers "Synopsis & 3 sample chapters".

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Opel booklet - Synopsis & 3 sample chapters.doc
2017070404/07/2017 Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
Dear Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency,

I found your site as first Google entry for 'literary agents for music'. Also using Google to find answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as reads the tagline on the cover of my book privately printed in 2013.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Opel essay - Proposal.doc
2017070404/07/2017 Hartline Literary Agency
Dear Mr. Cyle Young,

Using Google to find answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as reads the tagline on the cover of my book privately printed in 2013.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto


Dear Terry,

It is a honour to meet you. As you may see in my introduction to Cyle Young, I'm new in writing and, of course, in learning from this world of publishing.

I think I would have improved my proposal with the help of your work, Book Proposals That Sell. In this regards, since I included the section "History of the manuscript", I will attribute to the proposal a similar importance as I did to the manuscript, attaching also a former version of my proposal, but please note it's not "the one" for you: Bloomsbury's "Academic Proposal Form", although may contain a bit more info, is here just to show how I had to change (and update or even improve) an already stressfully difficult first proposal form (the one I sent to Cyle was just a slight adaptation for his Agency's guidelines, from the updated one I'm sending to you).

About my work, I would like to say that it even contains a Biblical topic: the fortified hill of Ophel. You may find it at pp. 12-13, and since it's also known as Ophel Tower, it may recall the Enchanted Tower of Toledo, told at pp. 44-45. I would have said this to Mrs. Hartline if I had contacted her instead of Cyle, at the Hartline Literary Agency, but I'm saying it here since you have been interested in Christian fiction (I decided to not mention, in the book, the Carmelite priest Francisco Palau, who used to live a hermit life on Es Vedrà, an uninhabited island that features much in the book).

However, I'm learning how hard it would be for the "publishing executives" to share with me what I wrote in the query to Cyle: « So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading ». Then, I have to thank so much Cyle and, of course, you.

Best Regards,



Giulio Bonfissuto

Via Raffaele Rossetti 2

47121 Forlì (FC) – Italy


Phone: +39 3471489537
Giulio Bonfissuto - Nonfiction Proposal - Opel essay.doc 2017072020/07/2017
[06/07/2017] Giulio, Thank you for your submission. I have to pass at this time but want to refer you to Terry Whalin at Morgan James Publishing. I cc’d him on this email. We highly recommend him as an expert in the field of publishing and social media. You are in good hands with Terry.

I will add you to the agency email list to provide you with information and resources for your writing journey.

Best wishes,

Cyle Young


Hello Giulio and Cyle,

Thank you for the introduction, Cyle and the prompt email, Giulio. I apologize for the delay but I have been traveling and I'm behind on my email and looking at your work.

I finally got some time to look at your material today and I'm sorry to say with the full color photos and other things in your book, it is not going to be a good fit for what we publish at Morgan James. We just wanted you to know that we had taken the time to review it and consider it for publishing.
Morgan James Publishing receives an average of 5,000 manuscript proposals each year, but only publishes an average of less than 125. At this time, we don’t seem to have a fit between your manuscript and our current vision and schedule of books to be released.

Your manuscript may have an excellent chance of success in another publishing channel, so I do encourage you to pursue your plans and vision.
In the future, we would be happy to review another of your manuscripts to see if it might meet with our vision, purpose and schedule of up-and-coming books. It was our pleasure to meet you and get to know your book and hear your manuscript ideas.

Thanks again for choosing to submit your manuscript to us. We appreciate you giving us the opportunity to review your book and consider it for publication. We wish you the best!

W. Terry Whalin, Acquisitions Editor
Morgan James Publishing
5 Penn Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York City, New York 10001

Phone: (212) 655-5470

Direct: (516) 900-5711


2017070505/07/2017 Watson, Little
Dear Mr. Wills,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017080101/08/2017
Dear Giulio,

Thank you for sending in your material to us. We have read and considered your proposal carefully but do not feel it is something we could place successfully in the current publishing climate. Please bear in mind that this is the opinion of one agency alone and that others may feel differently.

We are extremely sorry to disappoint you but we wish you the very best of luck with your future writing.

Best wishes,


Watson, Little Ltd

Suite 315


22 Highbury Grove


N5 2ER

Tel: 020 7388 7529


2017070505/07/2017 C+W Agency
Dear Ms. Kania,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017070606/07/2017 Aitken Alexander Associates
Dear Mr. Hamilton,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
2017070606/07/2017 Andrew Lownie Literary Agency
Dear Mr. Lownie,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017070606/07/2017
Sorry but I wouldn't be right for this but good luck with your approaches elsewhere. Best wishes, Andrew Lownie
2017070606/07/2017 The Knight Agency
Dear Mr. Knight,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will follow the "Query Letter Tips" on your website, adding here a brief summary of my manuscript. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body] 2017070606/07/2017
Thank you so much for allowing our agency to consider your material. Unfortunately, after carefully reviewing your query, we’ve determined that this particular project isn’t the right fit for our agency at this time. As I’m sure you know, the publishing industry changes swiftly now, as do readers’ tastes and trends. As a result, our own agents’ needs shift and change, as well; therefore, we would like to encourage you to consider querying us with future projects as you may deem appropriate.

Again, thank you very much for allowing us this chance to consider your material, and we wish you all the best in your publishing endeavors.


Kristy Hunter

Kristy Hunter | The Knight Agency

Submissions Coordinator and Associate Agent

2017070606/07/2017 Waverly Place Literary Agency
Dear Ms. Carter,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017070606/07/2017 Stonesong
Dear Ms. Linden,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your guidelines, I will include here the first chapter of my work, but please let me introduce it by a sort of blurb. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & ch.1 into email body]
2017070606/07/2017 Thompson Literary Agency
Dear Ms. Thompson,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017070606/07/2017 L. Perkins Agency
Dear Ms Lu,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your guidelines, I will include here only the first five pages from my work, introduced by a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & pp.1-5 into email body] 2017072828/07/2017
Thank you for sending me a query letter describing your work. Unfortunately, I am not the right agent for it. I can only properly represent materials that greatly excite or interest me. Since this is such a subjective business, I am sure another agent will feel quite differently.

I wish you the best of luck finding representation with the right agent and good fortune with your writing career.


Sandy Lu

Sandy Lu
Senior Agent

L. Perkins Agency
2017070606/07/2017 Corvisiero Literary Agency
Dear Ms Hart,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested, I will include here only the first 5 pages from my work, introduced by a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & pp.1-5 into email body]
2017070707/07/2017 Lee Sobel Literary Agency
Dear Mr. Lee Sobel,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017070707/07/2017 The Margret McBride Literary Agency
Dear Margret McBride Literary Agency,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017080808/08/2017
Dear Giulio Bonfissuto:

Thank you for your interest in the Margret McBride Literary Agency.

We have reviewed the information regarding your project, and after careful consideration, we do not feel our agency is the right home for your project.

We recommend you consult The Literary Market Place (www.literarymarketplace.com) or Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, and Literary Agents 2017 to find additional agents to query.

We wish you every success in placing your work with an excellent publisher.


The McBride Agency

P.S. We sincerely apologize for the form letter and wish we had more time to address each author individually and provide useful feedback, but we are a very small operation and do not have the time and resources available to do so.
2017070707/07/2017 Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Dear Ms. Seidman,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your guidelines, I will include here the first ten pages of my work, but please let me introduce it by a sort of blurb. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & pp.1-10 into email body]
2017070707/07/2017 Harvey Klinger Literary Agency
Dear Mr. Dunton,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your guidelines, I will include here only the first five pages from my work, introduced by a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & pp.1-5 into email body] 2017082424/08/2017
Mr. Bonfissuto,

Thank you for your query. I'm afraid that your project doesn't seem right for me, but best of luck in your search for an enthusiastic agent for your work.


David Dunton
Harvey Klinger Literary Agency

2017070909/07/2017 The Gernert Company
Dear Mr. Gernert,

Through the Google-found website www.litrejections.com I found that the genres "Popular Culture", "Drama & Music" and "Celebrity" were among the ones you would have accepted.

Some times ago, also using Google to find answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as reads the tagline on the cover of my book privately printed in 2013.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your guidelines, I will attach here only a sample chapter, introduced by the brief synopsis below to describe the work. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?


Giulio Bonfissuto

2017070909/07/2017 Foundry + Media
Dear Mr. McGuigan,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017071313/07/2017
Dear Giulio,

Thank you so much for submitting your work to Foundry for consideration. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer you representation at this time. However, we wish you all of the luck in the world in your journey towards publication.

Thanks again,

PM Submissions
2017070909/07/2017 Writers House
Dear Ms. Heifetz,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto



Dear Caitlin,

It's with pleasure that I can reply to your request:

[Synopsis & pp.1-10 into email body] 2017072121/07/2017
[13/07/2017] Dear Giulio,

Could you please re-send your query letter and the first 10 pages of your manuscript (pasted into the body of the email)? Please send to either mheifetzsubmissions@writershouse.com or reply to this email.

Thanks for thinking of us!


Caitlin Landuyt

Assistant to Merrilee Heifetz

Writers House Literary Agency

21 West 26th Street

New York, NY 10010


Dear Giulio,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas. With Merrilee’s full client list, she can only take on projects that are an absolutely perfect fit, and I’m afraid this isn’t it. Thank you for sending us your query, and best wishes for your project’s success.


Caitlin Landuyt
Assistant to Merrilee Heifetz
Writers House Literary Agency
21 West 26th Street

New York, NY 10010
2017070909/07/2017 JVNLA [Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency]
In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

[Synopsis, outline & bio into submit webpage]
2017070909/07/2017 Rob Chapman

Dear Mr. Chapman,

Firstly, I would like to let you know I unconditionally admire you and your service to Sydology.

My name is Giulio Bonfissuto, I am 44 years old and I used to read Barrett biographies in the 80s, when the only ones were those by Luca Ferrari: in a sense, in those times it was a luck to be Italian.

Please allow me to spend a page about my 2012 experience.

In 2012, by chance, I was interested in a careful reading of the so called "Barrett's final interview", i.e. that 1971 one by Mick Rock for Rolling Stone, and I had a strong desire to dig into the lyrics of a song which had been for me only a source of inscrutable Barrettesque words: "Wolfpack". I was intrigued because there was quoted actually a "Syd's favourite", but I was also touched by the way he "produced a neatly typed folder", saying «I'll show you a book of all my songs before you go. I think it's so exciting. I'm glad you're here.». I would have recalled those feelings reading of when he gave the demo-tape to David Gilmour, perhaps with a similar desire of sharing.

Soon, I realized I had at least two further reasons to immerse myself in such a research: first, very few was known about the song, and this was told me by the then-new acquaintance of mine, the blogger Felix Atagong, who, although is a Belgian with a (for me) incredible mastery of the English language, told me that even him (like me) misheard "in formation" for "information" at his first listenings (without seeing any lyrics on the internet). The second reason was that I read of a lot of literary references about "Octopus", in an essay revised by Julian Palacios... (the year after, thanks to you, I even bought the 1936 small book The Junior Laurel & Gold Anthology).

I wrote a sort of long song-info-sheet, containing everything I found already did or written about "Wolfpack", even all the posts on the internet, and I created a collage of videos, images and special effects to accompany the song on Youtube (i.e. those sort of things that younger guys do).

Eventually, I abandoned that research after I wrote on a forum of an acceptable idiomatic meaning for "magnesium" (e.g. that of a Nabokov's sentence which read "He seems to be lit by magnesium flashes and enlivens everything that surrounds him"), and also of a possible reference to Tennyson's The Princess (i.e. the line "A pack of wolves! the Lord be gracious to me!" followed 8 lines after by "As chanted on the blanching bones of men?"). I didn't find evidence of referencing as it was found for "Octopus", but, after all, I think it was better than the lone literary reference gave by Palacios, i.e. Fraser's (sic) The Golden Bough.

2013 was the year I had the opportunity to met a dozen of old Syd Barrett's friends (among which Jenny Spires and Libby Gausden) and so, for about one year, I dug into the lyrics of "Opel", much more than how I did for "Wolfpack". So I came out with a booklet...

But let us go to today. This June I submitted my Opel essay to Bloomsbury, and they declined my "Academic Proposal Form" some weeks after. To give me a chance before giving up, in these days I have been sending a dozen queries to literary agencies. I left the Sarah Such Literary Agency as last one, also because they "work mainly by recommendation", so I thought at this introduction for you. I attach here my complete proposal, to know if pp. 3 and 15-16 (or 19-20) is not enough for you.

I'm sorry if the space of a page has been already wasted just to talk about my 2012 experience (I've tried to be concise and I've omitted the links you may find in my proposal), however I would like to explain why I waited 4 years to submit my work if I wrote it in 2013.

In 2016, after 3 years of break (writing shouldn't be my main hobby), I restart on working on the online wiki version of my work on "Opel". It wasn't a very easy task but I completed it in a few weeks. Then I could have done what I intended to do at that point: let it know to Julian Palacios (who I quoted several times). To be precise, I wrote this to him on Facebook:

Dear Gian Palacios,
Perhaps I should have informed you earlier, but I was waiting to prepare for you also this online version:


It contains the same quotes from your book that I used in the printed version which was read, probably, only by the attendees of the 2013 Birdie Hop meeting (plus Goeran Nystroem, Antonio Jesus, a Brazilian Late Night forum member nicknamed younglight, and, recently, by Luca Ferrari).

I’ve written the sources, and special thanks to you in the last page, but I don’t know if it’s enough to ask if you would approve this “public” knowledge of your copyrighted quotes (e.g. to let me to announce the website on wide communities, like Birdie Hop, or perhaps to ask all authors’s “OK” for their quotes/images and then can hoping, if you would consider it possible, a real publishing of the printed version).

On the other hand, I don’t even know if, perhaps, I’m giving too much importance to this whole thing.

In any case, please accept, you too, a copy of the booklet I distributed in 2013, by giving me an address to ship it in USA.

You may see the pdf here:

His reply was:

NOTHING! (so far).

More recently, the old Barrett's friend Iain "Emo" Moore has begun to post on the Birdie Hop Facebook group (he didn't attend the 2013 meeting). I'm no longer active there but I sent him this message:

Hi, it's only fair you know I used your words for an assembly work I printed and shared in Cambridge (Julian Palacios has already snubbed it and I understand why I can avoid to try to share it again): http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Cover_page_2

Again no reply.

People like Luca Ferrari or Antonio Jesus told me they enjoyed my booklet, but these missing replies have been the prompting reason for my recent submission thing.

As I write in the last page of the proposal about Bloomsbury's and Pegasus's declinations, «I can't be sure if it was because they considered my project as something too weak to be interesting for people, or too heavy to take on for them», but I'm sure you are one of the few persons who would like to see, some day, some sort of Encyclopaedia of Sydology, e.g. considering your biography as "definitive" and seeing your different approaches to expand the future Sydology.

Best Regards,

Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017072020/07/2017
only just got this Giulio. will read and reply in a day or two.
2017071212/07/2017 Rupert Heath Literary Agency
Dear Mr. Heath,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017071212/07/2017 Helen Zimmermann Literary Agency
Dear Ms. Zimmermann,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017071212/07/2017 Taylor & Francis Group [Routledge]
Dear Ms. Bishop,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body] 2017071717/07/2017
Dear Giulio,

Thanks for your message. I’m afraid that I don’t think your book would be suitable for Routledge as we publish books intended for the academic, university library market. I think your book is aimed at a more popular audience.

I wish you luck if finding a more suitable publisher.

With best wishes,


Heidi Bishop

Senior Editor, Music Books


Taylor & Francis Group

2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN

Direct line: +44 (20) 70174838

Main switchboard: 020 701 76000
2017071414/07/2017 Janklow & Nesbit Associates
Dear Mr. Janklow,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your Submissions page, I will include here only the first ten pages from my work, introduced by an informative sort of blurb and a full outline. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis, outline & pp.1-10 into email body] 2017082222/08/2017
We deeply regret that the demands on our time are such that we are unable to represent your project.

We wish you every success.
Best wishes,
Claire Dippel

Assistant to Luke Janklow
2017071414/07/2017 Folio Literary Management
Dear Mr. Silberman,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

As requested in your page, I will include here the first ten pages of my work, but please let me introduce it by a sort of blurb. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis & pp.1-10 into email body] 2017071717/07/2017
Dear Giulio,

I want to thank you personally for giving me the opportunity to read your work. I understand the querying process can be difficult at times, and want you to know how seriously we consider each project we receive at Folio Literary Management. I am sorry to say, though, that unfortunately I do not have a place on my current list to take this on

Please keep in mind that every agent has different tastes and sensibilities, and even more or less bandwidth to take on new projects at any given time. And this is a crazily subjective business. What does not work for one agent may work perfectly for another, and I encourage you to continue your search for someone to champion your work, and trust you will find the agent (or publisher) your work absolutely clicks with.

Please know I wish you all the best,

2017071414/07/2017 United Agents
Dear Mr. Elek,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017071414/07/2017 Robert Lecker Agency
Dear Robert Lecker Agency,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017071515/07/2017 Feral House
Dear Mr. Parfrey,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto


Hi Adam,

The content of the book is in the wiki website I linked in my previous e-mail: http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . However very few persons know of it, and I've always ask them to not spread its existence, since I would like to announce it when I knew it was "at its best" and "approved" by some author (e.g. Julian Palacios who I quoted several times but I never contacted) or by some editor/publisher expert (I began to contact you and some literary agent just in these days) or by reviewers directly involved with publishing.

Also, the pdf-proof of my privately printed book is quite different, and I've always assumed that who would have appreciated the content would have like to buy a page-turning book, because of the different ways we appreciate the colours of the pictures on the paper of a book and for a thousand reasons why people buy some kinds of books instead of read their same content on a PC.

I find "educational" this coexistence of online version (html pages full of links) and classical versions (print books and e-books), but if a editor/publisher expert would think that the online content would decrease the value of the book, I could disable its availability online.

Kind Regards,

Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.pdf 2017072020/07/2017
Hi Giulio,

Of your proposed book about Syd Barrett, is any of it available online right now?


Adam Parfrey

Feral House / Process Media
2017071515/07/2017 McFarland
Dear McFarland editorial department,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto



Dear Mr. Perdue,

It's with pleasure that I can reply to your request: I've attached the proposal in a Microsoft Word file, which includes a perhaps redundant version of my previous email in the form of cover letter.

Best Regards

Giulio Bonfissuto
[19/07/2017] Dear Mr. Bonfissuto:

We’d be happy to see your twenty-page proposal for your ms. Syd Barrett’s Sea Shanty if you will please send it. Proposal guidelines are found in the Authors section of our website: www.mcfarlandpub.com , along with FAQs for prospective authors.

Thank you for writing.


Charles Perdue
Acquisitions Editor
McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers



Dear Giulio (if we may),

Thanks for letting us have a look at your proposal and material from “Syd Barrett’s Sea Shanty”; your enthusiasm for the subject is plain and we’ve enjoyed exploring the subject, but we fear that it’s not quite right for us. Beyond the trouble with lyrics (copyright sensitive in the extreme), the work is far shorter than we’d need it to be, and there’s no imaginable way it could be expanded to reach the requisite length without padding the manuscript, or shifting the topic entirely. The mix of art and writing would increase the length, obviously, but in our market information is at a premium, and books with artwork that serves a largely decorative (even if relevant) purpose aren’t in our purview as publishers. That doesn’t mean it’s not an ideal fit for another publisher, of course.

We’re sorry this one isn’t going to work out, though we wish you all the best in finding a good home for the manuscript.

Thanks again, and again, best of luck with the manuscript!



Charles L. Perdue

Acquisitions Editor

McFarland & Co., Inc.



2017071717/07/2017 BenBella Books
Dear Mr. Yeffeth,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body] 2017072020/07/2017
Dear Giulio,

Thank you for sending us your query for Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty. Unfortunately, this project isn't perfect for BenBella at this time, but we wish you the very best of luck in finding your book a good home.


Rachel Phares

Publishing Associate


Glenn Yeffeth


BenBella Books, Inc.

10440 N. Central Expressway

Suite 800

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2017071717/07/2017 Outpost19
Dear Mr. Roemer,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se 'unusual' reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, 'The title', when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this cover letter, as well as the required first pages of the manuscript: if you would be interested in this project, I will be happy to send you the full pdf proof of the manuscript. Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017071818/07/2017 Chicago Review Press
Dear Mr. Taylor,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this cover letter, as well as the required first chapters of the manuscript: if you would be interested in this project, I will be happy to send you the full pdf proof of the manuscript.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017071818/07/2017 Kensington Publishing
Dear Ms. Sogah,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017071818/07/2017 ECW Press
Dear Ms. Knoch,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this cover letter, as well as the required first pages of the manuscript: if you would be interested in this project, I will be happy to send you the full pdf proof of the manuscript.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc 2017080808/08/2017
Hi Giulio,

I'm afraid this one's not for us. Thanks for your interest in the series!


Jen Knoch | Senior Editor

ECW Press | 665 Gerrard St. E.,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4M 1Y2

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2017071818/07/2017 Chronicle Books
Dear Submissions Editor,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached proposal, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.doc
2017071919/07/2017 John Blake Publishing
Dear John Blake Books,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

Of course, you will find much more information in the attached 21-page detailed proposal, under 1MB as required, which includes even a redundant version of this email in the form of cover letter.

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto
Syd Barrett's Sea Shanty - Proposal.rtf
2017071919/07/2017 Plexus Publishing
Dear Plexus Publishing Ltd,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I will add here a brief synopsis. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Synopsis into email body]
2017081010/08/2017 Margaret Kennedy Agency
Dear Ms. Kennedy,

In 2013, looking for answers that would have otherwise stayed hidden, I eventually came out with a privately printed book, or better ‘an essay on the Syd Barrett song Opel’, as its tagline reads.

Entitled SYD BARRETT’S SEA SHANTY: The Song “Opel” Trough Lands, Shores And Seas, the work contains less than 30,000 words, but you have to consider also the 65 illustrations.

Actually, I dug and delved into the literature of the past, but running across poems, places and paintings was dreamy not only because they fit the song. So I think that also non-pop music fans might be interested on such a per se "unusual" reading, perhaps starting from the end of chapter 2, "The title", when the reading should be dreamy for everyone, and should lead to the last chapter.

I began in publishing in 2012, with articles and contributions on Wikipedia, as PCMorphy72. Before that, I shared pieces of work on socials or Youtube. Tired of Wikipedia restrictions, I started my own MediaWiki websites. In fact, there is also a wiki version of the submitted book at http://opel.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page . The book and its related website represent my first fully accomplished work.

I've tried to use brevity in this query, but please let me introduce my work by the blurb below to describe it, which perhaps uses a few sort of "catchphrases" like they were from a commercial presentation. Of course, you would find much more information in a 20-page detailed proposal in Word format: may I send it to you?

Thank you for your consideration!


Giulio Bonfissuto

[Blurb into email body]